
Alabama COVID-19 Cases Up to 14,478, Deaths at 551

Coronavirus illustration, created at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

COVID-19 cases in Alabama rose to 14,478 by late Sunday, 329 more cases than had been reported late Saturday. Deaths were up by two, for a total of 551.

Mobile County has been the hardest-hit county in the state, with 1,996 cases and 109 deaths.

Jefferson County follows with 1,614 cases and 88 deaths. Montgomery County, which recently has become a hot spot for the disease, reported 1,186 cases and 30 deaths.

Otherwise, the three eastern-area counties of Tallapoosa, Lee and Chambers have had the most deaths. Tallapoosa has had 62 deaths, 23 of whom were residents of the Bill Nichols Veterans Home in Alexander City and 396 cases. Lee has had 32 deaths and 498 cases, and Chambers has had 23 deaths and 336 cases. Many of those deaths occurred earlier in the pandemic.

Other counties with 200 or more confirmed cases are: Marshall, 649 cases and nine deaths; Tuscaloosa, 505 cases and 12 deaths; Franklin, 447 cases and six deaths; Shelby, 427 cases and 19 deaths; Butler, 344 cases and 11 deaths; Madison, 296 cases and four deaths; Baldwin, 274 cases and nine deaths; Elmore, 263 cases and seven deaths; Etowah, 236 cases and 10 deaths; DeKalb County, 221 cases and three deaths; and Coffee, 200 cases and one death.

Here is the full list of counties with number of cases, number of tests for the disease and deaths


Autauga 159 1815 3
Baldwin 274 7084 9
Barbour 110 699 1
Bibb 59 1208 1
Blount 49 1338 1
Bullock 111 412 1
Butler 344 1328 11
Calhoun 141 3210 3
Chambers 336 1378 23
Cherokee 33 611 2
Chilton 87 1222 1
Choctaw 141 426 4
Clarke 102 999 2
Clay 27 438 2
Cleburne 13 207 1
Coffee 200 1641 1
Colbert 136 2296 2
Conecuh 25 288 1
Coosa 33 256 1
Covington 65 1031 1
Crenshaw 58 649 2
Cullman 76 2420 0
Dale 83 1006 0
Dallas 197 1735 3
DeKalb 221 1683 3
Elmore 263 2686 7
Escambia 43 1040 3
Etowah 236 3882 10
Fayette 11 515 0
Franklin 447 1821 6
Geneva 33 571 0
Greene 89 456 4
Hale 129 791 3
Henry 56 443 2
Houston 164 2986 4
Jackson 69 2199 2
Jefferson 1614 33917 88
Lamar 20 446 0
Lauderdale 128 3564 2
Lawrence 42 607 0
Lee 498 5634 32
Limestone 74 2066 0
Lowndes 186 532 10
Macon 60 628 2
Madison 296 14105 4
Marengo 133 1402 6
Marion 113 1343 10
Marshall 649 4979 9
Mobile 1996 19100 109
Monroe 28 495 2
Montgomery 1186 7832 30
Morgan 162 3332 1
Perry 31 559 0
Pickens 93 870 4
Pike 136 1292 0
Randolph 125 884 7
Russell 128 1282 0
Shelby 433 8182 19
St. Clair 102 2821 1
Sumter 191 933 6
Talladega 91 2686 2
Tallapoosa 396 2635 62
Tuscaloosa 505 8326 12
Unknown or Out of State N/A 0 N/A
Walker 198 2503 1
Washington 64 508 5
Wilcox 118 496 7
Winston 62 978 0