2018 Elections

Allison Boyd

Allison Boyd

Shelby County Probate Judge

Allison Boyd

Party: Republican

Date of birth: 40

Residence: Hoover

Political experience: First run for political office; Shelby County Republican Women member, 2018-present.

Professional experience: Shelby County Probate Office mental health programs coordinator and legal counsel, January 2016-February 2018; Shelby County assistant district attorney, July 2007-January 2016; attorney at Spruell and Powell LLC, May 2005-July 2007; Shelby County Multidisciplinary Child Abuse Team member, 2008-2015; Shelby County Child Death Review Team member, 2008-2015.

Civic experience: Alabama WINGS Taskforce member, 2018-present; National Alliance on Mental Illness Shelby member, 2017-present; Leadership Shelby County board member, 2016-present; Alabama Law Institute Adoption Committee member, 2016-present; Alabama Law Institute adoption process subcommittee member, 2016-present; Asbury United Methodist Church council member, 2016-present; Girl Scouts of North-Central Alabama volunteer troop leader, 2015-present; Shelby County Republican Executive committee member, 2015-present; Shelby County Senior Volunteer Services advisory board members, 2014-present; Leadership Shelby County, 2013-2014; Chilton Shelby Mental Health board member, 2012-2016.

Education: Juris Doctorate, University of Alabama, 2005; master of business administration, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2002; bachelor of business administration, Samford University, 1999.

Main issues: Boyd offered a variety of reasons she should be elected. “I am the only candidate that has experience as a practicing attorney, experience within the probate court and experience as a special probate judge,” she said. She pointed out that she had served as mental health programs coordinator and as legal counsel to the probate judge, during which she reviewed, researched and analyzed cases filed with the court involving estates, guardianships, conservatorships and condemnations.

Boyd also highlighted her experience organizing elections and other matters in the probate system and said she had served as special probate judge. “During the 2016 election, I worked closely with the Alabama Secretary of State’s Office in conducting a pilot program in Shelby County utilizing e-pollbooks to more efficiently process and accurately record voter check-in information.”

Top Contributions –Allison Boyd, $2,545; Mavanee Bear, $1,400 (cash and in-kind); Bryant A. Whitmire, $1,000; Gretchen Cloud, $1,000; Hamer Law Group, LLC, $500; Jim Pino, $500; Joseph A. Fawal, $500; Shawn Rumsey, $500; William Parsons, $500; Hill, Hill & Gossett, $500; Marlow Attorneys, LLC, $500; Morrison and Spann, LLC, $500; Barry Woodham, $500; Bainbridge, Mims, Rogers and Smith, LLC, $500.

Campaign: allisonboydforprobatejudge.com