
Big Education Issues on the Table for Alabama’s Lawmakers

Big-Education-IssuesWith 12 legislative days left in the 2016 Regular Session, Alabama’s lawmakers  are finding a table full of education issues as they return from spring break this week.

There are education savings accounts (the bill has been changed to apply only to children with disabilities), a statewide longitudinal data system to capture and track data for students from preschool through when they enter the workforce, the all-things-teachers bill, a.k.a, the PREP Act, the Alabama Ahead Act (which provides funding for wireless infrastructure for schools needing it), widening of the state’s growing virtual school program, and…the Education Trust Fund budget which has yet to be debated by the Senate after its passage in the House.

Not to mention the other 60 or so education-related bills still waiting for lawmakers’ attention.

BirminghamWatch has kept close watch on legislation during this session, so look there for weekly updates.

We’re taking stock of what lawmakers  face upon their return. Read more . . .