2018 Elections

Bill Veitch

Bill Veitch

Jefferson County District Attorney

Bill Veitch  

Party: Republican

Residence: Birmingham

Political experience: President/board member, Hoover City Board of Education, 2002-2012.

Professional experience: Birmingham Police Department, 1973-79; assistant district attorney, 1998-present.

Education: Birmingham School of Law, 1974-79.

Civic experience: President, Children’s Advocacy Center.

Main issues:  On his campaign page, Veitch pointed to his past efforts to bring law enforcement together to battle a variety of issues. He pledges to continue to bring awareness to the growing problems of heroin and opioid addiction and work to battle those problems. At its heart, Veitch’s efforts are about serving people, according to the site.

“Bill’s utmost desire for the families of Jefferson County is to make our community (a) better place to live and raise our children,” his site said.

Top contributors: William G. Veitch, $26,500 (loans); SNG, $3157; Phillip J. Ross, $1,000; Thomas J. Spina, $1,000; Jack Rousse, $1,000; Arthur Green, $1,000; Bennett A. Clark, $1,000

Campaign: http://electbillv.com  Facebook: Elect Bill Veitch Jefferson County District Attorney