2018 Election

Bob Vance Jr.

Judge Bob Vance.
(Source: Thomas B. Diasio)

Chief Justice

Bob Vance

Party: Democratic

Age: 57

Political experience: Appointed civil circuit judge, Jefferson County 10th Judicial Circuit Court, 2002, re-elected 2004, 2010 and 2016; ran for chief justice to Alabama Supreme Court, 2012.

Professional experience: Attorney, Johnston Barton Proctor Swedlaw & Naff, 1986-2002; law clerk to U.S. Court of Appeal, Fifth Circuit Judge Tom McGee, 1985.

Education: Princeton University, 1982; law degree, University of Virginia School of Law, 1985.

Civic experience: Member, Birmingham Kiwanis Club.

Main issues: On his website, the candidate states that, “A judge must not see the world as ‘us’ and ‘them.’ Judicial decisions must never be based on who you are, what your ideology is, or what political party you belong to. Judges must follow the rule of law. In short, a judge must be there for everyone. As head of the entire court system of Alabama, the Chief Justice in particular must be a representative and ambassador for all.”

Top contributors: The Honorable Robert S. Vance Jr., $19,220; Alabama Bankers Association PAC, $10,000; Henniger, Garrison Davis LLC, $10,000; Alabama Realtors PAC, $10,000; J.T. Stephen, $15,000; T-Town PAC, $7,500; H.E. Cauthen Jr, $6,000; Cash PAC, $5,000; Catherine Sloss Jones, $5,000; Clarence M. & Charlesetta Ball Jr., $5,000; Kevin and Tennille D. Ball, $5,000; Leadership PAC, $50,00; IBEW PAC Voluntary Fund, $5,000; Hare, Wynn, Newell & Newton, $5000;

Campaign: https://www.judgebobvance.com