2022 Alabama Elections

Brandaun Dean, Democratic, US Senate

Brandaun Dean

United States Senate

Party: Democrat

Age: 30

Residence: Brighton

Political experience: Elected mayor of Brighton in 2016 but election was overturned in 2017 when the absentee ballots were deemed unlawful. A Jefferson County judge ordered a new election but Dean didn’t pursue the runoff.

Professional experience: Principle of Campaign X Policy; former organizer for the American Federation of Teachers.

Civic experience: Previously served on the executive board of the Dream Forever Foundation.

Education: Attended Howard University.

Main issues: Dean said he believes reparations are still owed to those who were enslaved and would sponsor a bill to fund those reparations. He also said he would seek to place a 100-year moratorium on the Alabama prison system because he doesn’t think the state has proven that it can operate prisons humanely. He said he would like to see those inmates who can’t be released transferred to other state prison systems. Dean also said something drastic must be done to attract and retain quality teachers and he would like to see a pilot program in Alabama that would use federal funds to compensate highly qualified teachers an annual salary of $200,000.

Contributions: None filed

Campaign info: http://brandaundean.com/