Bryan Peeples (R)
U.S. Senate
Name: Bryan Peeples
Age: 37
Residence: Birmingham
Political races run: None
Political offices held: None
Professional experience: President and CEO, Peeples Consulting.
Education: Not available.
Civic experience: Not available.
Main issues: His plan includes individual and corporate tax reform; healthcare reform with a repeal of Obamacare and five-point point plan to open the market up for competition while providing protections for those who need it; criminal justice reform; comprehensive immigration reform; limited spending and cutting the national debt; improving education by setting standards for all states, giving educators what they need to succeed and abolishing Common Core; implementing term limits and promising to serve no more than two terms; re-establishing Senate rules to permit filibuster and require a 60-vote majority on all issues.
Campaign web site:
Contributors: Peeples has not filed any contributions with the FEC.