2016 Primary Election
Carnella Greene-Norman (D)
Jefferson County Circuit Court Place 23
Carnella Greene-Norman
Date of birth: October 1950; age 65
Residence: Birmingham
Political experience: Special circuit judge, 2013-present; District Court judge, 2012-present; ran for District Court judge Place 3, 2012; ran for Circuit Court judge Place 23, 2010.
Professional experience: President, Municipal Judges Association; District Court judge, 2012-present; private practice, The Norman Law Firm, 2002-2012; Birmingham Municipal Court judge, 1992-2002; Hilliard, Burns and Norman, P.C., 1989-1992; mediator; adjunct law professor, Miles Law School.
Civic experience: Co-chair, Membership Committee, Citizens Advisory Committee of REV; committee member, The Women’s Network; member of Leadership Alabama and Leadership Birmingham; officer in the Neighborhood Association and Airport Hills Community; member of Children’s Policy Council; member, Community Education Committee Inns of Court.
Education: Miles Law School, juris doctorate, 1984; Birmingham Southern college, bachelor’s, 1972; studied at John F. Kennedy School of Government, University of Nevada at Reno and Alabama Judicial College.
Top contributors: Waldrep, Stewart & Kendrick LLC, $500; Dukes and Dames, $300; Mary and Katheree Hughes, $250; Melvin Humes, $250; The Larkin Law Firm, P.C., $250.
Qualifications: Norman says that her 30 years of overall experience – 14 years of judicial experience and 16 years of practice – and her concentration in divorce law qualify her for the judgeship.