Category: Rickwood Field
SWAC Doubles Down on Birmingham With Baseball, Track Championships

The Southwestern Athletic Conference is bringing the baseball championship tournaments to Birmingham for 2025-2029, continuing its track and field championships here and adding another as-yet unnamed championship in an expansion of its decades-long relationship with the Magic City. Read more.
The World Takes Notice of Birmingham’s Rickwood Field

Bessemer’s Kewanna Benson and her son Kamaurion were dressed for baseball. The 9-year-old rising 4th grader could have been at practice for his Hueytown youth baseball all-star team.
Instead, mother and son were at Birmingham’s Carver Theatre for a screening of the HBO Original documentary “Say Hey, Willie Mays!” It is one of several events happening around town related to Major League Baseball’s hosting three games at historic Rickwood Field.
But the real stars of the three-day extravaganza are Rickwood Field and the Negro League teams and players who applied their craft there. Supporters say the buzz over the event also is drawing attention to the western-area community around Rickwood and the game of baseball itself. Read more.