
Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham’s Cycle 1 Grants for 2019


Access to Care

  • Albert Schweitzer Fellowship-Alabama Chapter, $5,000 to support capacity building as the Alabama chapter establishes itself as an independent non-profit providing opportunities for in-depth, year-long service learning for students pursuing health and health-care related professions.
  • The Arc of Walker County, $20,000 to purchase three vehicles for medical transportation needs for Residential, Day Program, Supported Living, and Early Intervention participants.
  • Changed Lives Christian Center, $25,000 to provide free basic health care, including mental health care, from volunteer providers at a monthly medical night for homeless patients.
  • Episcopal Foundation of Jefferson County dba St. Martin’s in the Pines, $17,000 to purchase a wheelchair lift van to transport residents to medical appointments.
  • Fair Haven Retirement Center, $20,000 to provide oral health education, dental screenings, and oral hygiene services at low-income senior centers in partnership with UAB School of Dentistry.
  • GirlSpring, $15,000 to develop an mobile application so that web-based programming in self-esteem, positive body image, substance abuse prevention, and health education can reach more girls, especially girls who may not have access to desktop computing.
  • Kid One Transport, $24,000 to support a collaboration between Kid One and Travelers Aid of Greater Birmingham to provide transportation to medical appointments for disabled and elderly individuals in Jefferson and Walker Counties, reducing duplication of services.
  • No More Martyrs (Fiscal Sponsor Children’s Policy Council), $5,000 to support access to mental health services for women at the Housing Authority of Birmingham’s Campus of Hope through biweekly group support.
  • Oasis Counseling for Women & Children, $20,000 to develop a protocol for specialized mental health care treatment specific to child victims of human trafficking as part of the Child Trafficking Solutions Project.
  • United Ability (formerly UCP of Greater Bham), $15,000 to support implementation of a series of Early Intervention Specialty Clinics to support children diagnosed with a developmental disability, or identified as high-risk, and their parents. Clinics will include a team of specialists providing evaluation diagnosis, treatment plans and equipment recommendation.
  • Unless U, $50,000 to support building a new, permanent home for this organization which provides academic and life skills education for adults aged 19 to 40 with developmental disabilities in a university-style setting.
  • The WellHouse, $35,000 to support on-site medical services for women and children survivors of human trafficking at The Wellhouse’s St. Clair campus in partnership with UAB School of Nursing.


Nutrition/Physical Activity

  • Alabama Childhood Food Solutions Inc, $45,000 to support initial costs of a new, paid Executive Director position to increase capacity for this currently all-volunteer food distribution organization.
  • Backyard Blessings, $24,000 to purchase a cargo van which would provide capacity to serve all schools in Walker County with a weekend backpack food program.
  • Christian Service Mission, $25,000 to complete build-out of a commercial teaching kitchen which will host cooking classes, daily benevolent meal preparation, and other community health and lifestyle-skills education opportunities.
  • Community Food Bank of Central Alabama, $30,000 to pilot a Fresh Produce Purchasing Network to increase fresh produce distribution to food insecure households in Central Alabama by coordinating seasonal purchases with regional partners to split tractor trailer loads of produce among local food distributors.
  • Freshwater Land Trust, $25,000 to plan for extension of the Jones Valley Trail, including monthly meetings, site visits and design, and to prepare for a federal grant request to fund construction.
  • Hope House Church, $2,000 to start up meal preparation education program for children and adults, featuring nutritious, kid-friendly meals on a budget.
  • United Way of Central Alabama, $25,000 to support a capital campaign for the new home of Meals on Wheels, including a commercial kitchen with access to two loading docks, offices for program staff and a volunteer training center.


Career/College Readiness

  • Birmingham Bible Church, $8,000 to support soft skills education and enrichment for students at Hayes School.
  • Birmingham Business Alliance, $60,000 to support a new staff position designed to support alignment between curriculum at local post-secondary institutions and the needs of local industry, as well as education and outreach to students and faculty regarding career pathways in Birmingham and local employer engagement.
  • Birmingham Urban League, $40,000 to support scale-up of thrice-weekly educational enrichment and career-ready programs in neighborhood opportunity centers in the western area of Birmingham.
  • Central Six Development Council, Inc., $65,000 to implement apprenticeships and work-based learning models to create seamless pathways to connect high school students with high-demand careers, improving alignment between labor supply and demand in the Greater Birmingham community.
  • Girls Incorporated of Central Alabama, $60,000 to expand services from Girls Inc. locations to six community schools and Mark’s Village community center, doubling the number of girls who receive 50 hours of Girls, Inc. programming each year by 2020.
  • The Good Girl Project Inc., $5,000 to expand curriculum to include hands-on college and career exploration for girls ages 13-18, with a focus on STEM careers and a college tour.
  • Jalayah Hackman Foundation, $6,000 to purchase desks for tutoring and ACT prep in Walker County.
  • Jefferson County Schools Public Education Foundation, $31,000 to support adding four biomedical science courses in the 2019-2020 school year in Jefferson County schools to increase STEM opportunities.
  • Jefferson State CC, $75,000 to expand the Welding Technology Program to the Shelby-Hoover campus by constructing a new welding training facility to provide training opportunities in Shelby County.
  • Nest, $50,000 to form an Artisan Incubator in Birmingham, identifying business and entrepreneurs overlooked in the current maker movement and providing training, resources, and agency to sustain their business and develop a workforce.
  • Offender Alumni Association, $25,000 to support a Youth Career Readiness Initiative including twice-monthly club meetings, and weekly community engagement opportunities to reinforce the importance of education, jo readiness and positive decision making.
  • Southern Research, $22,000 to provide a series of professional development workshops to 128 middle and high school STEM educators to enhance STEM learning opportunities in Greater Birmingham classrooms.
  • STREAM Innovations, $25,000 to extend summer programming for a 3rd Year Advanced Cohort focused on Artificial Intelligence, Design Thinking, and a Peer Coding Internship.
  • Teach For America – Alabama, $50,000 to support capacity building to double the incoming corps, create a Systems Change Leaders Program and incubate a Parent Advocacy Council.
  • Desert Island Supply Co., $40,000 to expand the Woodlawn Writers Corps from Putnam Middle School to Woodlawn High School, providing one day per week of programming in English classes with an emphasis on improving writing and reading test scores, publishing student work and supporting the college and scholarship application process.


Early Learning

  • Blount County Education Foundation, $50,000 to build two new Pre-K playgrounds, enabling the opening of two additional high-quality Pre-K classrooms in the Blount County.
  • Brilliant Kids Academy, $3,500 to support tutoring in reading and math as well as mentoring and summer enrichment activities in this Titusville-based program.
  • Learn Fresh Education Company, $15,000 to serve 450 additional students in grades 3-8 with a high-quality math learning experience that engages students in a competitive, NBA-style board game during a 12 week program that improves core math fluency and understanding by an average of .46 standard deviations.
  • Mitchell’s Place, $20,000 to replace aging and obsolete smart boards and continue providing high-quality pre-school programs for young children with autism.
  • National Society of Black Engineers, $25,000 to expand enrollment in the Summer Engineering Experience for kids program from 75 to over 100, providing opportunities to expose 3rd-5th grade students to engineering careers and engage them in STEM learning experience, with STEM-focused college students serving as instructors and role models.
  • New Leaders, $40,000 to support continued partnership with the Birmingham City School to provide professional development to school leaders (including principals, assistant principals, and lead teachers) to enhance instructional leadership and coaching and improve student outcomes.
  • Restoration Academy, $50,000 to support building of a new middle school that will allow for enrollment of nearly 200 new students.
  • Shelby Elementary School, $15,000 to furnish two new STEM labs with high quality materials and equipment for daily use by the 199 Pre-K through fifth grade students at this Title 1 elementary school.
  • STAIR of Birmingham, $30,000 to support a Director of School Partnerships who will increase capacity and quality of services by working closely with school-based professionals for student referral into STAIR’s twice-weekly tutoring program, support volunteers, and conduct a review of current curriculum.