COVID-19 Count in Alabama Shows Decline Since Last Week

Updates with hospitalizations.
The number of new Covid cases in Alabama has dropped steadily since last week, and the seven-day average of new cases has fallen by 758 a day over the same timeframe, according to the state Department of Public Health.
Last Thursday, the seven-day average of new cases per day was 4,705. By Tuesday, the average had dropped to 3,947, ADPH reported 5,312 new cases on Thursday, and the daily figure had dropped to 2,672 by Tuesday.
There have been 727,360 cases of the coronairus reported in Alabama since the pandemic began in March 2020.
Despite the improvement in case numbers, a public health expert at UAB said she takes holiday figures for Covid with a bit of healthy skepticism.
Suzanne Judd, Ph.D and professor in the UAB School of Public Health, said the Thursday numbers this week “will really give us a feel for the true case levels.”
“We have seen lulls in cases over the holidays in the past. Often this is due to fewer people pursuing testing, even when they are symptomatic, and slower turnaround time from labs (reduced hours on holidays).
“I usually wait at least two days before I get excited about a trend on the ADPH website following a holiday weekend,” she said.
Judd said the impact of Labor Day gatherings will not be known until until late next week.
ADPH has reported 12,420 deaths from the coronavirus over the course of the pandemic.
Statewide hospitalizations were reported up Monday with 2,777 Covid patients, according to the Alabama Hospital Association. That number includes 2,724 adults and 53 children in pediatric care.
Eighty-four percent of the adults hospitalized were unvaccinated, 4% partially vaccinated and 12% fully vaccinated, the association reported.
UAB Hospital reported Tuesday that it is treating 215 patients for Covid-related illness with 210 or 97% of those patients unvaccinated.
The hospital reported that 54 patients are on ventilators; of that number 51 patientw or 94% are unvaccinated.