2021 Birmingham City Election
Curtis Tyrone Robinson, Birmingham Board of Education D8

Birmingham Board of Education, District 8
Curtis Tyrone Robinson
Age: 67
Residence: Birmingham
Political experience: None
Civic experience: Adjunct professor, Miles College; chaplain, Childrens Hospital of Alabama; U.S. Reserve Naval Chaplain Corp.; Christian Methodist Episcopal Church pastor
Education: Doctorate of ministry, Chicago Theological Seminary; master of arts, public affairs, UAB; bachelor of arts, sociology, Miles College; NAACP, community addressing school issues, Lake Interfaith Families Together
Significant endorsements: None
Top contributors: None listed
Main issues: The need to eliminate the practice of contracting out educational services to be delivered to BSC students, such as a three-year, $1.3 million contract with the Southern Research Education Board in 2017 to provide professional services to teachers and staf