2022 Alabama Elections
Danny Carr, District Attorney, 10th Judicial Circuit
Danny Carr
Residence: Birmingham
Political experience: Elected district attorney in 2018; appointed to job in 2017, becoming the first Black district attorney for the Jefferson County Birmingham Division.
Professional experience: Worked in Jefferson County District Attorney’s Office for 15 years, including as chief deputy district attorney; currently instructor at Miles College School of Law, where he teaches criminal law and criminal procedure; former adjunct professor, Jefferson State Community College; former adjunct professor, Birmingham School of Law; former adjunct professor, National Advocacy Center for District Attorneys.
Civic experience: Board member at the Maranathan Academy, for at risk youth, and Prescott House; served as a board member at the Western Area YMCA and CITY program; worked with the Y Achievers program sponsored by the YMCA; selected by his peers in 2010 as one of the top 100 Attorneys in the State of Alabama and top 40 most Influential Males in Jefferson County.
Education: Miles Law School; Alabama State University; P.D. Jackson-Olin High School.
Campaign: https://www.electdannycarr.com/