2016 Primary Election

Debra Bennett Winston (D)

Jefferson County District Court Place 10

Debra Bennett Winston photo2Debra Bennett Winston

Age: 64

Residence: Hueytown

Political experience: Currently municipal judge, cities of Midfield and Fairfield.

Professional experience: Municipal judge, 11 years; private practice, 25 years; member Alabama League of Municipalities; previously served as a substitute circuit judge in Jefferson County.

Civic experience: Grace House, Sickle Cell Foundation, Midfield Chamber of Commerce, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, NAACP.

Education: Juris doctorate, Southern University Law Center, Baton Rouge; Bachelor’s degree, UAB, 1984;.

Qualifications: She has served as a municipal judge for 11 years and has owned her own law business. She has received several certificates and honors during her legal career.

Campaign: https://www.facebook.com/DebraWinstonPlace10