2022 Alabama Elections

Delor Baumann, House of Representatives, District 57

Delor Baumann, candidate for state House of Representatives, District 57 (source: campaign website)

Delor Baumann


Residence: Hueytown

Political experience: Ran unsuccessfully for tax collector, 2020; served as mayor of Hueytown, 2004-2016, and was president of the Jefferson County Mayor’s Association; defeated for re-election in 2016 runoff.

Professional experience: Previously managed Baumann Coatings in Bessemer.

Civic experience: Member, Grace Lutheran Church; member; has served as vice president of the Hueytown High School Parent Teacher Association, has coached girl’s softball; currently drives a school bus for the Jefferson County Board of Education; served on the Regional Planning Commission of Jefferson County and has served in the Hueytown and Bessemer chambers of commerce.

Education: Attended UAB, graduated Hueytown High School, Class of 1971.

Main issues: Increase technical training for a more skilled workforce; encourage new jobs and industries into the district; expand access to broadband; cut government red tape on businesses; work for tax cuts; cut government waste; clean up crime.

Campaign: https://delorbaumann.com/, Facebook, Delor Baumann for Our Community