2017 Birmingham Mayor Elections

Donald T. Lomax


Name: Donald T. Lomax

Age: 68

Residence:  Birmingham

Political experience: None

Professional experience: Professional bus operator at MAX Transit, 2006-present.

Education: Talladega College, bachelor’s degree in accounting, 1994; Cleveland State University, bachelor’s degree in business and finance, 1981; Ullman High School, 1967.

Top contributors: None filed.

Main issues: In an interview with AL.com, Lomax said, that if elected, his priorities would be to raise hourly wages, to shorten city workers’ 30-year retirement plan, to raise the salary of teachers, to work with the police department to reduce crime, and to create a “consortium of corporations” to fund city initiatives.

Donald T. Lomax’s campaign did not respond to requests to fill out BirminghamWatch’s questionnaire.