Sarah Stewart

Sarah Stewart (Facebook campaign page)

Chief Justice, Alabama Supreme Court

Party: Republican

Residence: Montgomery/Mobile

Political experience: Elected associate justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, 2018. Appointed Mobile County Circuit Court judge by then-Gov. Bob Riley in 2006 and ran three times – 2006, 2010 and 2016 – unopposed.

Professional experience: In private practice for 14 years before becoming a judge. Previously active in the Circuit Judges Association, serving as its first female president; Trailblazer Award, 2022, from the Mobile Bar Association; first female president of the Mobile Young Lawyers; active in Mobile Bar Association.

Education: Juris doctorate, Vanderbilt School of Law, 1992; master’s in communication, University of Arkansas; 1986; bachelor’s in communication, University of Arkansas, 1985.

Main issues: Focus on finances for the courts, including more state money, financial planning and working with circuit courts; initiatives to address juvenile and generational crime and recidivism rates; mental health initiatives; and working with businesses to address the high costs and slow pace of litigation through programs such as business courts and online dispute resolution.

Campaign: Campaign website, Facebook.