2022 Alabama Elections

Gary Palmer, U.S. House of Representatives, District 6

Gary Palmer

Gary Palmer

Party: Republican

Age: 66

Residence: Hoover

Political experience: Member, U.S. House of Representatives, Alabama District 6, 2015-present. Former member, Gov. Bob Riley’s Task Force to Strengthen Alabama Families; Gov. Fob James’ Aerospace, Science and Technology Task Force and his Welfare Reform Commission; and Gov. Robert Bentley’s Alabama Commission on Improving State Government.

Professional experience: Founder and former president of the Alabama Policy Institute, 1989-2014; founding member, State Policy Network, 1992-1998. Previously worked in the private sector for 12 years, including nine with two major engineering construction companies.

Education: Bachelor’s in operations management, University of Alabama.

Civic experience: Member of the Rotary Club of Birmingham since 1993.

Main issues: Paying down the national debt by cutting spending; regulatory reform by reducing the number and expense of federal regulations; lowering energy costs and spurring economic growth and job creation by accessing America’s vast energy resources; and replacing Obamacare with a health care plan that puts people back in charge of their health care decisions and that makes health care affordable and available; and protecting life in all its forms.

Campaign: https://www.facebook.com/PalmerforAlabama