2020 election

Ivey, Trump Have High Approval in New Alabama Poll

President Donald Trump and Gov. Kay Ivey Source: By Michael Vadon under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic)  (Source: Hal Yeager, Alabama Governor’s Office)

MONTGOMERY – A new Alabama Daily News poll shows Gov. Kay Ivey and President Donald Trump enjoying high approval ratings among voters in Alabama.

In a survey conducted Feb 4-6, 64% of voters approve of the job Ivey is doing as governor while 29% disapprove. For Trump, 58% of Alabama voters approve of his performance as president while 37% disapprove.

The poll was conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Strategy on behalf of Alabama Daily News and its news partners. It surveyed 625 registered voters in Alabama with a margin of error of +/-4%. 

Ivey’s higher rating can be traced to broader support among African Americans and Democrats. Forty-one percent of black voters said they approve of Ivey’s job performance while 50% said they disapprove. For Trump, just 11% of black voters approve while 78% disapprove.

Trump maintains absolute dominance of the Republican Party in Alabama, according to the survey. A full 97% of Republican voters said they approve of Trump’s job performance while just 1% said they disapprove. Ivey’s rating was slightly less dominant among Republicans with 84% saying they approve and 11% saying they disapprove and 5% unsure.


Gov. Kay Ivey Job Performance by Party

Party Approve Disapprove Not Sure
Republican 84% 11% 9%
Democrat 36% 55% 9%
Independent 68% 25% 7%

President Donald Trump Job Performance by Party

Party Approve Disapprove Not Sure
Republican 97% 1% 2%
Democrat 10% 84% 6%
Independent 56% 35% 9%

Gov. Kay Ivey Job Performance by Race

Race Approve Disapprove Not Sure
White 74% 20% 6%
Black 41% 50% 9%

President Donald Trump Job Performance by Race

Race Approve Disapprove Not Sure
White 78% 18% 6%
Black 11% 82% 7%

Gov. Kay Ivey Job Performance by Region

Region Approve Disapprove Not Sure
Northern Alabama 67% 26% 7%
Birmingham Metro 62% 30% 8%
Eastern Alabama 71% 23% 6%
Montgomery/Black Belt 44% 47% 8%
South Alabama 69% 26% 5%

President Donald Trump Job Performance by Region

Region Approve Disapprove Not Sure
Northern Alabama 62% 33% 5%
Birmingham Metro 56% 41% 3%
Eastern Alabama 63% 33% 4%
Montgomery/Black Belt 44% 49% 7%
South Alabama 61% 36% 3%


A total of 625 registered Alabama voters were interviewed live by telephone statewide. Those interviewed were randomly selected from a phone-matched Alabama voter registration list that included both land-line and cell phone numbers. Quotas were assigned to reflect voter registration by county.

The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than +/- 4 percentage points. This means that there is a 95% probability that the “true” figure would fall within that range if all voters were surveyed. The margin for error is higher for any subgroup, such as a gender or age grouping.