
James Paul Beretta (R)

U.S. Senate

James Paul Beretta

Name: James Paul Beretta

Age: 58

Residence: Indian Springs

Political races run: None

Political offices held: None

Professional experience: Alabama Anesthesia, 1992-1996; Dr. James P Beretta PC, 1996-2017.

Education: Providence College, bachelor of arts, 1981; Southeastern College of Osteopathic Medicine (Nova), doctor of osteopathic medicine, 1988; Atlantic City Medical Center, intern, 1988-1989; University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, chief resident, anesthesia, 1989-1992; University of Mass School of Medicine, chief resident, 1991-1992; Diplomat National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners, 1989; board certified anesthesia, 1994; board certified pain management, 1994; Birmingham School of Law, 1996.

Civic experience: Boy Scouts of America leader; Birmingham Youth Baseball coach; Birmingham Youth Hockey coach; Oak Mountain High School hockey coach.

Main issues: Would support legislation to employ American citizens first; simplify the tax structure and make it balanced for everyone; increase pay for enlisted personnel and their families; secure borders, seaports and airports to stem drug traffic and illegal immigration; reduce the foreign trade deficit; develop an open market in healthcare to reduce rates by increasing competition; promote equality. In answer to a BW question about major areas of federal spending in Alabama, Beretta said: “Medicare, Federal employees, Senate, Congress, Federal Judges and Military should be under one (health) plan. This move would save the redundant administrative cost of 28% for each plan. Medicaid needs to have a better qualifing plan so able-bodied people are not consuming the benefits truly needed by those in need.  Military in Alabama is complex. We have some very active bases here, however some National Guard armories are outdated. Locating new sites or revitalizing existing sites requires a study. …I will be happy to look into this as  Alabama’s US Senator.”

Campaign web site:

Total receipts: $6,450

Contributions of $500 and up

$2,000: Homer E. Smith, Hoover; loan from self.

$500: Vivian H. Clem, Athens; Andy Locklin, city not listed.