Jefferson County Commission
Jefferson County Spends $1.4 Million for New Sheriff’s Vehicles

The Jefferson County Commission Thursday sent an additional $1.4 million to the sheriff’s department to replace aging vehicles.
The action, approved as new business in the commission meeting, came after commissioners saw a presentation from the sheriff’s department at their committee meeting Tuesday.
“It’s important,” Commission President Jimmie Stephens said after commissioners agreed to add $1,451,988.50 to the budget of Sheriff Mark Pettway to purchase 25 vehicles.
“We try our best to make sure that the sheriff has all the equipment needed and necessary to effectuate the most efficient law enforcement in Jefferson County and in the state,” Stephens said. “He needed an additional number of vehicles in order to get that done. His fleet was beginning to age a little bit, and it was important that the commission step up and did their part. And we have.”
Stephens said he is thankful the money is available, adding that when it comes to capital expenditures, “You spend it when you have it.
“Next year looks like it’s gonna be a tight year because of the coronavirus, the pandemic,” the commission president said. “We’ll address that during budget time but we wanted to make sure that our largest department, and our most influential department that we have, is funded and continues to be able to operate efficiently.”