2022 Alabama Elections

Joe Knight, Jefferson County Commission, District 4

Jefferson County Commissioner Joe Knight (Photo by Solomon Crenshaw Jr.)

Joe Knight

Party: Republican

Age: 68

Residence: Trussville

Political experience: Jefferson County commissioner and finance chair. Has served on commission since 2010. Elected president-elect of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama in 2022.

Professional experience: Attorney in private practice for more than 30 years. Former certified registered nurse anesthetist and serves as general counsel to Alabama Association of Nurse Anesthetists.

Education: Pascagoula High School, 1973; Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College, associate; University of Southern Mississippi; University of Alabama at Birmingham, Bachelor of Science; Birmingham School of Law 1990, juris doctor; passed bar exam, 1990; Leadership Birmingham, 2012.

Civic experience: Member, Trussville Rotary Club. Served on the executive committee for the World Games 2022, is the vice-chair of the Greater Birmingham Convention and Visitors Bureau, a board member of the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham and a past member of the Cooper Green Mercy Healthcare Authority.