2018 Election

John William “Bill” Cole

Bill Cole

Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals Place 3

Name: John William “Bill” Cole

Party: Republican

Residence: Birmingham

Political experience: Appointed to Jefferson County Circuit Court in 2006, won election later in 2006; ran for court in 2012; appointed to another judgeship in 2013, won election in 2014.

Professional experience: Circuit judge, 2006-2012 and 2013-present; private practice, 1992-2005, during which he served as a special circuit court judge, a special prosecutor and a municipal court judge. Represents the Alabama Circuit Judges’ Association on the Alabama Victim Notification Task Force.

Civic experience: Member and Sunday School teacher, Canterbury United Methodist Church; served on the board of the Kiwanis Club of Birmingham; group leader of the Reading is Fundamental group.

Main Issues: In announcing his candidacy, Cole said he believes his 11 years of real-world experience sets him apart from other candidates in the race. He elaborated on how he defines the role of an appellate court judge.

“I understand that the judge’s job is to interpret the law, not create new law,” Cole said on his campaign website. “As I have always done while serving as a Circuit Court judge, as an appellate court judge I will strictly interpret the Constitution and be fair to all parties.”

Education: Juris doctor, University of Alabama School of Law, 1992; Bachelor of Arts, Vanderbilt University, 1989.

Top Contributors: Self, $32,023; BiPAC, $5,000; MAXPAC, $5,000; Progress PAC, $5,000; Alabama Hospital Association Political Action Committee, $3,000; Farm PAC, $3,000; Louise M. Grant, $3,000; Alabama Realtor PAC, $1,000; Automotive Dealers Association of Alabama Inc. Auto PAC, $1,000; Cash PAC, $1,000; Samuel Balch Jr., $1,000.

Campaign: www.judgebillcole.com