2018 Election
Karen Dunn-Burks
Office: Jefferson County Deputy Circuit Clerk, Bessemer Division
Karen Dunn-Burks
Party: Democrat
Date of birth: 1965
Residence: Hoover
Political experience: Burks was elected deputy circuit clerk, Bessemer division, in 2012. Burks said she has worked in and around government for several years, dealing with administrative issues and budgeting. “I’ve dealt with having to do more with less,” she said
Professional experience: Served as assistant in the Jefferson County Tax Assessor’s office. Burks’ mother is state Rep. Priscilla Dunn, D- Bessemer, and her father, Grover Dunn, is the assistant Jefferson County tax collector over the Bessemer division.
Main issues: Burks said she would like to start a roundtable discussion on efficiency, if she is elected to the circuit clerk position in November. She said she wants to hear from employees and the people who use the services of that office to find out what works and what needs to be improved. Burks also said she would like to look at opening the clerk’s office up five days a week again without causing a hardship on the staff. The clerk’s office is now open four days a week.
Total campaign contributions: $21,695.
Campaign: https://www.facebook.com/Re-Elect-Karen-Dunn-Burks-Circuit-Clerk-Bessemer-Div-271607043368106/ and re-electkarendunnburks@gmail.com