2022 Alabama Elections

Kari Mitchell Whitaker, State House of Representatives, District No. 45

Kari Mitchell Whitaker (Source: Campaign website)

Kari Mitchell Whitaker

Party: Libertarian

Residence: Dunnavant Valley

Political experience: First run for political office.

Professional experience: Small business owner, of graphic design business Launchpad Creatives; stay-at-home mother.

Hobbies: Hiking, gardening, reading, foraging wild foods, SCUBA diving, playing role-playing games and practicing Brazilian jiu-jitsu.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in graphic design from the University of Montevallo.

Main issues: No new taxes, set term limits for politicians at two terms; give education funds to families, rather than systems alone and allow parents choice of school districts; decriminalize cannabis; protect the integrity of the air, water and soil; supports gun rights.

Campaign: https://votewhitaker.org/ https://www.facebook.com/votewhitaker