2022 Alabama Elections

Lanny Jackson, Democratic, US Senate

Lanny Jackson

United States Senate

Party: Democrat

Age: 68

Residence: Birmingham

Political experience: Ran unsuccessfully for mayor of Birmingham in 2017.

Professional experience: Served in the U.S. Army from 1972 to 1993.

Education: Bachelor’s degree in political science from Miles College in 2000; associate’s degree in general education from Troy University.

Main issues: Jackson is a staunch proponent of term limits for congressmen and said he will fight for a two-term limit for senators and six-term limit on U.S. representatives, so a total of 12 years. He said he also will fight for federal funds to transform the community college system to prepare students for jobs of the 21st century.

Contributions: None filed

Campaign info: https://lannyjacksoncampaign.com/