
Lashunda Scales

Birmingham City Council, District 1

Lashunda Scales

Name: Lashunda Scales

Political experience:  Member, Birmingham City Council, 2009-present.

Professional experience: Founder of Scales PR Marketing Firm Inc., 2000 – present.

Civic experience: Partner in Education for Birmingham City Schools, host of District 1 Annual Music & Movie Festival and Holiday Gala fellowships.

Education: Jefferson State Community College, associate’s degree, 2005; Leadership Birmingham, 2016; Harvard Kennedy School, Executive Education Sessions, 2015, 2016.

Top contributors: NB Healthcare, $1,500; FI, $1,250; R. Engineering, $1,000; Marion Collins, $500; J. Sullivan, $500.

Main issues: If re-elected, the candidate says she will work with citizens to give them an active role in city government. She plans to focus on working to keep neighborhoods clean and safe. She wants to retain businesses in District 1 and ensure the district receives an equal share of city services and resources.

Campaign: https://www.facebook.com/lashundascalessheworks