2022 Alabama Elections
Leigh LaChine, State Auditor
Leigh LaChine
Residence: Birmingham
Political experience: Elected vice chair of the Libertarian Party of Alabama in 2012, and a year later became chair of the organization.
Professional experience: Started working in 1991 with an environmental consulting firm in Toledo, then transferred to Durham, North Carolina, and helped develop a branch office in Richmond, Virginia. Moved to Birmingham in 1997 to start and manage the southeastern location of a national, environmental due diligence firm. In 2005, launched and became majority owner of the environmental consulting, training and testing firm Accelerated Risk Management LLC, which specializes in the placement and renovation of multi-family housing projects.
Civic experience: President of the Eastwood Neighborhood Association, in Birmingham; Eagle Scout.
Education: Bachelor’s degree, major in ecosystems biology with a minor in conservation and resource use, from Eastern Michigan University.
Main issues: From his campaign website, “Why do I want to be your Alabama State Auditor? Because my aversion of taxes runs so deep I want to ensure every penny is accounted for!” As a Libertarian, he said he would not be tied to big money interests or voting along party lines.
Campaign: https://www.voteleigh.com/, https://www.facebook.com/Vote4Leigh