2016 Primary Election
Linda Hall (D)
Jefferson County Circuit Court Judge, Place 11
Linda Hall
Date of birth: May, 1959; 57
Residence: Birmingham
Political Experience: None
Professional Experience: Private practice, 1998-present, legal counselor for Committee to Protect the Homes; volunteer, Birmingham Bar Association Civil and Domestic Relations.
Civic Experience: Member, Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church; mentor clerestory, Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church; board member, Epilepsy Foundation; volunteer, Birmingham Museum of Art; former member Homewood Rotary Club and Vulcan Kiwanis.
Education: Birmingham School of Law, juris doctorate, 1992; University of Alabama at Birmingham, bachelor’s of science, 1983.
Top Contributors: Robert Edwards, $2,550; Henry Fisher Jr., $500; Albright Rainey, $300; Ralph Sanders, $400; Britney Fisher, $220; Ralph Sanders, $200. *This information has been corrected from the original version.
Qualifications: Hall has litigated city, state and federal cases. She has represented clients in meditation, arbitration, settlement negotiations, jury trials, bench trials and appeals.
Campaign: http://www.lindahallforcircuitjudge.com/