
Michael Hansen (D)

U.S. Senate

Michael Hansen

Name: Michael Hansen

Age: 35

Residence: Irondale

Political races run: None

Political offices held: None

Professional experience: Marketing and public relations coordinator, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, 2008-2011; director of public relations, The Modern Brand, 2011-2013; co-founder, Mud Pie Creative Lab, 2012-present; executive director, Gasp, 2013-present.

Education: University of Memphis, bachelor of business administration in marketing management, Spanish minor, 2005; University of Alabama, master of arts in public relations and advertising, 2014.

Civic experience: Founder, Think Pink Holiday Gala, Komen Foundation Fundraiser, 2004-2006; HRC Nashville, 2007; board of directors, public relations chair, Rites of Spring, 2009-2010; junior board public relations chair, Oasis Counseling for Women & Children, 2011-2014; junior board/committees chair, Community Food Bank of Central Alabama, 2013-2014; board of directors/communications chair, Equality Alabama, 2013-2014; communications committee, Moral Monday Alabama, 2014.

Main issues: Platform includes building a 21st century economy for Alabama; justice for all; a healthy, sustainable future; fully funding public education, including debt-free secondary education; tackling climate change by transitioning to a clean energy economy; implementing universal, Medicare-for-all health care; raising the minimum wage; reforming criminal justice and banning for-profit prisons; rebuilding the infrastructure; protecting LGBTQ Americans from discrimination; modernizing the immigration system through comprehensive reform with a pathway to citizenship; and decriminalizing marijuana.

Campaign web site:

Total contributions: $16,959

 Contributions of $500 and up

 $2,582: Alicia Hubbard, Birmingham.

 $500: Patrick Howard, Tallahassee, FL; Jim Spearman, Sulligent; Sheila Swett, Houston, TX.