2017 Birmingham Mayor Elections

Randy Davis


Name: Randy Davis

Age: 43

Residence:  Birmingham

Political experience: None

Professional experience: Jefferson County reserve deputy, 2012-present; Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, 2000-2012; Birmingham Police Department, 1996-2000.

Education: Alabama A&M University, 1996; Northwest-Shoals Community College; University of Alabama at Birmingham; West End High School, 1993.

Top contributors: Self, $835.17; Lovell Pride, $50.

Main issues: If elected, Davis says his first priority will be to “check on the families of North Birmingham” who have been affected by pollutants. He will also prioritize reaching out to the Southtown housing projects, advocating for education efficiency and implementating the first city-sponsored after-school mentoring program, restoring respect for city employees, and addressing street crime and dilapidated houses.

Campaign: facebook.com/randydavisbirmingham