2019 Birmingham City Election
Ray Brooks
Birmingham City Council, District 7
Age: 74
Residence: Birmingham
Political Experience: Applicant, Birmingham City Council District 7 seat, 2018; applicant, Birmingham City Council District 7 seat, 2009; candidate, Birmingham mayor, 2007.
Professional Experience: Fire Chief, Compton, California, 2002-04; Assistant City Manager, Compton, 2002-04; Chief, Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service, 1997-2002; Deputy Chief, Birmingham Fire and Rescue Service, 1996-97; Fire Chief, San Jose, California, 1994-95; Fire Chief, Alhambra, California, 1991-94; Fire Chief, Evanston, Illinois, 1987-91; Fire Chief, Michigan City, Indiana, 1979-87; Former Instructor, Florida A&M University’s Executive Development Institute; Former Instructor, Dillard University.
Civic Experience: Former Chair, Mountain Forest Homeowners Association; Former Chair, Birmingham Housing Authority; Former Chair, Black Chief Officers Committee; Senior Fellow, American Leadership Forum; Participant, Leadership Birmingham; Legislative Former Liaison, Illinois Fire Chiefs’ Association; Former Vice President, Indiana Fire Chiefs’ Association; Facilitator, National Fire Academy.
Education: National Fire Academy; Purdue University
Main Issues: Brooks’ website says his priorities in office would be to listen to the people of the district and work in the community’s best interest, work to get overgrown lots cut and abandoned homes demolished, address safety and crime concerns, promote clean air solutions, support reading and educational initiatives for children, and improve streets and sidewalks in District 7.
Top Contributors: Francois Blaudeau, $2,500; Self, Loan, $2,500; Herschel Clady, $1,000; Millennials PAC, $1,000
Campaign: chiefraybrooks.com