2017 U.S. Senate Race
Roy Moore, U.S. Senate Special Election
Name: Roy S. Moore
Age: 70
Residence: Gallant
Political races run: Etowah County circuit judge, 1982; district attorney, 1986; circuit judge, 1994; chief justice of Alabama, 2000 and 2012; governor, 2006 and 2010.
Political offices held: Circuit judge in Etowah County, 1992-2000; chief justice of Alabama, 2000 until ousted in 2003 for refusing to remove Ten Commandments monument from state judicial building; chief justice from 2012 until suspended earlier this year, then resigned.
Professional experience: Company commander, U.S. Army, 1969-1974; assistant district attorney, Etowah County, 1977-1982; private law practice in Gadsden, 1982-1992; Foundation for Moral Law, president, 2003-2012.
Education: U.S Military Academy at West Point, bachelor of science in arts and engineering, 1969; University of Alabama School of Law, juris doctor, 1977.
Civic experience: Lectured throughout the United States and filed court briefs regarding the U.S. Constitution as president of the Foundation for Moral Law.
Main issues: Wants to be part of the leadership team that he says will make America great again; advocates a position of strength, rebuilding the military to instill fear in enemies and respect in allies; supports removing the federal government as an obstacle to free enterprise; would cut taxes and regulation and make sure trade agreements put America first; would seek to stop activist judges from overstepping their bounds.
Campaign web site: https://www.roymoore.org