2022 Alabama Elections

Ruth Robinson, Democrat, Jefferson County Circuit Court, Place 20

Ruth Robinson

Jefferson County Circuit Court, Place 20

Party: Democrat

Residence: Birmingham

Political experience: None

Civic experience: Has done volunteer work at women’s shelters and the YWCA and worked with Volunteer Lawyers of Birmingham.

Professional experience: Lawyer for 20 years representing men and women, black and white, gay and straight in the areas of divorce and custody; also worked with post-conviction, criminal defense and white collar crime cases in state and federal courts

Education: Undergraduate degree in psychology, attended Cumberland School of Law, where she was associate editor of the Cumberland Law Review and graduated at the top of her class.

Main issues: Understands the difficulty a family faces when going through divorce because she is a divorced mom, a child of divorce and an attorney. As a judge, she says she will implement strategies for families in crisis through patience and tenacity to produce an acceptable outcome for everyone, especially the children who are too often the unintended victims in a couple’s divorce.

Top contributors: Herself, $6,677; Iron Workers,Local 93, $2,500; Sarah S. Robinson, $1,000

Campaign: www.ruthrobinson4judge.com; Facebook: Vote Ruth Robinson