2018 Election

Shay Shelnutt

State Senator, District 17

Name: Shay Shelnutt

Age: 51

Residence: Trussville

Professional experience: Realtor, Cahaba Real Estate, 2018-present; Realtor, Keller-Williams Realty, 2006-2018; Math teacher and coach, Clay-Chalkville High School, 1996-2005; teacher, Oneonta High School, 2005-2006.

Political experience: Alabama State Senate, 2014-present.

Civic experience: Counselor, Royal Family Kids Camp for foster children, 2010-present; Just Keep Smiling, 2013-present.

Main issues: Declined to answer.

Contributions: Progress PAC, Montgomery, $10,000; Alabama Power Company Employees State PAC, Birmingham, $5,000; Alabama Realtors PAC, Montgomery, $5,000; Alabama Voice of Teachers for Education, Montgomery, $5,000; Alabama Association for Justice, Montgomery, $5,000; Wells Fargo Good Government Fund, Montgomery, $3,000.