
Shelby County Public Meeting on Lay Lake Toll Bridge Set for Today

Toll Bridge proposed for Lay Lake

The Shelby County Commission has set a public involvement meeting about a proposed private toll bridge over Lay Lake on the Coosa River for Tuesday, Feb. 18, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Shelby County Arts Center Grande Hall. If built, the bridge would be 1,600 feet long and connect Shelby and Talladega counties at Perkins Landing at Shelby Co. 28.

Developer Tim James has said the proposed $30-$40 million project described here, would provide a connection between I-65 at Calera in Shelby County and U.S. 280 at Sylacauga in Talladega County and open rural areas to development.

The Coosa Riverkeeper organization has led opposition to the project, saying it would harm the river from sedimentation, litter, traffic and disruption of toxic chemicals in the river and lake.

Talladega County Commission approved the project Jan. 13, and Shelby County is expected to consider it at an upcoming meeting. Public comments can be submitted online to the Shelby County Commission until Friday, Feb. 21.