Tag: Impeachment
U.S. Sen. Doug Jones’ Speech on Trump Vote

This statement was provided by U.S. Sen. Doug Jones’ staff before his speech. All of these remarks were included in the speech, but Jones expanded on them considerably in final remarks.
Shelby, Jones Side With Their Parties as Senate Acquits President Trump of Impeachment Charges

Both United States Senators from Alabama cast their votes along party lines as President Donald Trump was acquitted Wednesday of both articles of impeachment filed by the House of Representatives.
Sen. Richard Shelby voted with his fellow Republicans to acquit Trump, while Sen. Doug Jones went along with fellow Democrats and voted for conviction. The final total was 52-48 for acquittal on the abuse of power article and 53-47 on obstruction of Congress, far from the two-thirds majority required to remove Trump from office. Read more.
Jones Sides With Senate Democrats, Says He’ll Vote to Convict Trump in Impeachment Trial

UPDATED — Sen. Doug Jones joined his Democratic colleagues Wednesday morning, announcing he would vote to convict President Donald Trump of two charges in his impeachment trial.
“After many sleepless nights, I have reluctantly concluded that the evidence is sufficient to convict the President for both abuse of power and obstruction of Congress,” Jones said in a copy of remarks provided by his office shortly before he made his speech on the Senate floor.
“On the day I was sworn in as a United States Senator, I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution. At the beginning of the impeachment trial, I took a second oath to do ‘impartial justice’ according to the same Constitution I swore to protect,” Jones said.
“These solemn oaths have been my guides during what has been a difficult time for our country, for my state, and for me personally. I did not run for Senate hoping to participate in the impeachment trial of a duly-elected President, but I cannot and will not shrink from my duty to defend the Constitution and to do impartial justice.” Read more.
Demonstrators Gather at Federal Courthouse to Call for Full Impeachment Trial

A group of about 21 people gathered for about an hour in front of the Robert S. Vance Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse on Tuesday to call for a full trial of impeached President Donald Trump. With video. Read more.
Doug Jones Weighs in on Trump Impeachment, Other Issues

WBHM – When the U.S. Senate returns from the holiday break, there will be one overriding issue: impeachment. Democratic U.S. Senator Doug Jones shares his thoughts on this and other actions on Capitol Hill. Read more.
U.S. House Votes to Impeach President Trump

WASHINGTON – The U.S. House of Representatives on the evening of Dec. 18 adopted two articles of impeachment against President Trump. The articles now go to a trial in the Senate, where a two-thirds vote for conviction on either article would remove Trump from office.
The votes were largely along party lines, and Alabama’s representatives followed that pattern. The state’s lone Democrat, Rep. Terry Sewell, voted for both articles; and the other members of the delegation, all Republicans, voted no. Read more.
President Donald Trump Impeached

President Donald Trump has been impeached. The U.S. House of Representatives this evening voted 230 in favor, 167 against and 1 present, with 3 members not voting, to pass an article that alleges abuse of power. House members then voted 229 for, 198 against and one present, with 3 members not voting, to pass a second article alleging obstruction of Congress. The case will go to the Senate for trial.
Alabama Rep. Terri Sewell, D-7, voted for Article I, alleging abuse of power, and Article II, alleging obstruction of Congress.
Alabama Reps. Bradley Byrne, R-1, Martha Roby, R-2, Mike Rogers, R-3, Robert Aderholt, R-4, Mo Brooks, R-5, and Gary Palmer, R-6, voted against Article I and Article II.
You can find the complete list of votes on impeachment Article I here
You can find the complete list of votes on impeachment Article II here
BirminghamWatch will be updating this story this evening.