2018 Election
Terry A. Moore
Court of Civil Appeals Judge, Place No. 3
Terry A. Moore
Party: Republican
Age: 53
Political experience: Judge, Alabama Court of Civil appeals, 2007-present.
Professional experience: Judge, Alabama Court of Civil Appeals, 2007-present; co-founder and member, Austill, Lewis, Pipkin & Moore, P.C, 2004-2007; attorney, partner, Vickers, Riis, Murray & Curran, LLC, 1998-2004; attorney, Adams & Reese, 1993-1998.
Education: Bachelor’s in political science from the University of South Alabama in 1990, law degree from the University of Alabama in 1993.
Top contributors: COMP PAC, $5,000; Progress for Justice, $2,500; Alabama Realtors PAC, $1,000; Terry Moore, $604.