2018 Election
Today (Nov. 1) is the Last Day to Apply for an Absentee Ballot
You can vote by absentee ballot if you will be out of the county on election day or live outside of the county where you are registered.
Being required to work a 10-hour shift during the hours the polls are open, which is 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. across the state, is another acceptable reason, as is being an appointed election officer or poll watcher who will be working at a polling place other than the one where you are assigned to vote.
Having an illness or disability that prevents you from going to the polling place is another reason you might be able to vote by absentee ballot.
While Nov. 1 is the deadline to apply for an absentee ballot under normal circumstances, if you have a business or medical emergency, you may apply for an absentee ballot by 5 p.m. Monday. Specific circumstance would have to be met and proof presented to apply for the ballot.
You can obtain an absentee voter application and find other information here. You also can obtain an absentee application and must return your ballot to the absentee election manager. In Jefferson County, that is Anne-Marie Adams, who works at the downtown courthouse and can be reached at 325-5313. In the county’s Bessemer division, Deputy Circuit Clerk Karen Dunn-Burks is the election manager. She works at the courthouse in Bessemer and can be reached at 497-8510.
Absentee ballots need to be signed by two witnesses.
More information about voting is available at AlabamaVotes.gov.