2022 Alabama Elections
Voter FAQ
You can find your polling place and check your registration status on this Secretary of State’s Office site.
You also can see which district you vote in on another SOS site here.
The League of Women Voters has a site that will show you your districts, give you information on the races, let you make selections in the races and save that information. The league sent questionnaires to candidates, and you can read answers from the candidates who responded. Visit Vote411
You Need ID to Vote
You must show a valid photo ID at the polls before you’re allowed to vote. If you don’t have one of the IDs, you should be allowed to vote a provisional ballot. If you don’t have one of the accepted IDs, you can apply for a voter photo ID from the county Board of Registrars. What ID do you need?
Absentee Ballots
If you’re voting by absentee ballot and mailed it in, it must be received by the absentee election manager no later than noon on election day. If you’re delivering your ballot by hand, it has to be received by the close of business the day before the election, which is Monday. You can apply for an emergency absentee ballot with a letter from a doctor up to the day before the election, as well. More absentee information is available here.
Crossover Voting Ban
Alabama law bans people from “crossover voting,” which means that if you voted in one party’s primary, you cannot vote in the other party’s runoff. So if you voted in the Democratic primary, you cannot vote in the Republican primary, and vice versa. However, if you did not vote in the May primary, you can vote in either party’s primary in the runoff. See an illustration.
Campaign Financing: You can research financing of state and local candidates on your ballot on the Secretary of State’s Campaign Financing page.
You can research financing of federal candidates on the Federal Election Commission website.