Author: Liz Harris
Introducing BirminghamWatch: Journalism that makes a difference for Birmingham, for Alabama, for you
The Alabama Initiative for Independent Journalism is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that serves the civic good by supporting important journalism through BirminghamWatch.
Could it be a better budget plan for Alabama?
Meet AIIJ’s Board of Directors
Meet the people behind BirminghamWatch
The journey to creating Alabama Initiative for Independent Journalism and BirminghamWatch is a story about many things. It’s about Birmingham’s need for news that asks important questions and searches for trustworthy answers. It’s about pushing against a tide, and putting more reporters to work covering school boards, digging through data, and informing voters. It’s about working with other Birmingham news organizations that share this mission.
Today, I want to tell our story in a personal way, by introducing people behind it. AIIJ’s directors share a common passion for good journalism. They stepped up to do hard work in founding a nonprofit news organization.
A Message from AIIJ Founders
Why are we doing this? What can our fledgling non-profit news organization contribute to journalism for Birmingham and Alabama?
Those may be your first two questions if you are meeting BirminghamWatch, and its sponsor Alabama Initiative for Independent Journalism, for the first time.
The photographs throughout this initial edition of are the work of Walt Stricklin, generously donated by him for use on the website. BirminghamWatch and Alabama Initiative for Independent Journalism gratefully acknowledge all the support and volunteer contributions during the project’s development.
Donor Policy
Alabama Initiative for Independent Journalism and BirminghamWatch recognize that the value of their work depends on commitment to journalistic values and the editorial independence of its editors and reporters. In seeking and accepting financial support, Alabama Initiative will follow practices that protect these values.