2018 Elections

Bragan Baldwin Feldman

Bragan Baldwin Feldman

Office: Shelby County Board of Education, Place 1


Bragan Baldwin Feldman

Party: Republican

Age: 37

Residence: Chelsea

Political Experience: None

Professional Experience: Realtor, ERA King Real Estate, 2009-present; substitute teacher, Shelby County Schools, 2015-present; executive director, Columbiana Main Street, 2016-2017; marketing director, Chelsea Lane, 2015-2017; public relations and marketing coordinator, EBSCO Industries, 2004-2009; media relations intern, Office of the Governor, 2004; sports intern, WVTM-NBC 13, 2004; director of media relations, Columbus Redstixx, 2002.

Civic Experience: Member and secretary of Vignette Club; volunteer at State of Love.

Main Issues: Feldman believes technology improvements are critical to improving Shelby County schools. She also believes communication between administrators, teachers and parents is vital.

“Shelby County needs to be able to prepare our students for the path they choose, whether it is the workforce or higher education. Technology is a vital part of each of those paths, and we must prepare them in the classroom for those futures,” she said.

“Visiting and being in each of the school zones of our county, I know that communication between the Central Office, administrators, teachers and parents is key to positive impact within the school community. Our county is growing by leaps and bounds, we must anticipate future growth and provide for our students adequately. I do not want the potential of our students in Shelby County to remain unfulfilled,” she said.

Education: Bachelor’s in communication, Auburn University, 2004.

Top Contributors: UZ Marketing, $386.65 (in kind); Bill Sparks, $300; Billy Graham, $250.

Campaign: www.facebook.com/ElectBraganFeldman