2018 Election
Martha V. Bouyer

Jefferson County Board of Education, Place 2
Party: Democratic
Martha V. Bouyer
Age: 69
Residence: Lipscomb
Political offices held: Jefferson County Board of Education, 2014-2018.
Professional experience: Educator at John Carroll High School, 1971-1976; Hewitt-Trussville Jr. High School, 1977-1994; Jefferson County Schools secondary social studies supervisor, 1995-2010.
Education: Lawson State Community College, AA Degree, 1969; Alabama A&M University, bachelor of arts, 1971; UAB, master’s 1976; New York Theological Seminary, doctor of ministry, 2015.
Civic experience: Leadership Birmingham graduate, 2017; volunteer with the African American History Consortium and the Firehouse Shelter; Founder of My Father’s Foundation, a charity providing support for youth aging out of foster care, 1997-2018; trainer for the Center for Civic Education; mentor for high school students at Alabama Center for Law and Civic Education; trainer for We the People Teacher training and school violence prevention; worked with the National Park Service to help develop curriculum for Never Lose Sight of Freedom and with Minnesota Public TV to help develop curriculum for Slavery by Another Name.
Main issues: Bouyer said she would continue to work with board members, the superintendent and law enforcement agencies to ensure that all schools and work sites are safe and secure environments. Her priorities also include increasing the number of Pre-K programs, closing the achievement gap created by poverty with quality classroom instruction, increasing student retention and the graduate rate, continuing to provide professional development opportunities for all employees, continuing to support Jefferson County Schools’ Redefining Ready initiative, enhancing teacher technology skills and student access, and expanding college and career programs so that all students are college, career and life ready.
Top contributions: Candidate, $2,597.02; ARC Realty, Birmingham, $1,212.88; Volkert Inc., Mobile, $1,000; Out of the Box Consulting Services, Lipscomb, $800; JefCoEd Superintendent Craig Pouncey, Highland Home, $500; Jeffrey Hilmire, Atlanta GA, $500.
Campaign: https://www.facebook.com/electdrmarthabouyer/