2018 Election
Gary Palmer

U.S. House of Representatives, AL District 6
Gary Palmer
Party: Republican
Age: 64
Residence: Hoover
Political experience: Member, U.S. House of Representatives, Alabama District 6, 2015-present; member, Gov. Robert Bentley’s Task Force to Strengthen Alabama Families; member, Alabama Commission on Improving State Government; advisor, Gov. Fob James’ Aerospace, Science, and Technology Task Force; member, Welfare Reform Commission.
Professional experience: President and founder, Alabama Policy Institute, 1989-2014; founding member, State Policy Network, 1992-1998.
Education: B.S. in Operations Management, University of Alabama
Main issues: Protecting religious freedom; reigning in the EPA; supporting veterans; strengthening military; opposing amnesty for illegal immigrants; reigning in federal spending; protecting the Second Amendment; defunding Planned Parenthood; repealing the Affordable Care Act.
Campaign: palmerforalabama.com