Downtown Birmingham
JeffCo Commission to Consider Selling Property for BJCC Use

The Jefferson County Commission is expected to jettison the old Salvation Army Building on Abraham Woods Jr. Boulevard, selling it to the Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center Authority, during its meeting Thursday.
“The county was looking to sell the surplus property,” BJCC Executive Director and CEO Tad Snider said in an interview. “Given its proximity to the BJCC and City Walk, we chose to purchase and will redevelop or repurpose for additional parking.”
The sales price is $810,000. “The appraised value is more than you purchased it for,” County Manager Cal Markert told commissioners as the matter was placed on the agenda of Thursday’s commission meeting.
Commissioners will also consider on Thursday a request for a jobs grant from R+L Carriers, which is looking to move from the Valley Industrial location where it’s been for 20 years to Daniel Payne Industrial Park.
The relocation will provide the company room to expand and add to its capacity. The company, which currently employs 129, looks to add 44 new full-time jobs with an average wage of $52,000 over the 3-year period of the grant, which has a cap of $105,000.
The company is making a $36.1 million investment in its new location. The move is expected to generate $1.6 million in revenue beyond the incentive grant.

Roads and Transportation Director Chris Nicholson gave commissioners an update on efforts in his department during Tuesday’s commission committee meeting. In 2023, Roads and Transportation:
- Worked on 40 projects.
- Announced 816 jobs.
- Had a $475.94 million investment in the community.
- Had a $3.9 million investment from Jefferson County to secure 1,100-plus acres of new industrial land.
- Had 19 projects incentivized or announced.
- Had jobs generate $29.32 per hour on average.