Alabama Legislature
Reapportionment Meeting, Maps Release Expected Tuesday

Alabamians should get their first looks at proposed new State House, congressional and state school board voting districts next week, two days before the Legislature begins debating and voting on them.
The legislative Reapportionment Committee will meet Tuesday to give its approval to the districts that are based on the 2020 census. The committee’s meeting is at 1 p.m. in room 317 of the State House. It will be livestreamed on the Legislature’s website.
Once approved by the reapportionment committee, the maps will be available online as well.
Gov. Kay Ivey has told lawmakers the session will start Oct. 28, but hasn’t yet released the call, the official list of legislation to be taken up.
There will be one bill each for Congressional, state board of education and Alabama House and Senate districts. Months-long delays in the 2020 gathering of census data has meant lags in getting states their new population numbers, delaying the process.
The districts decided in the special session will be used in the 2022 elections. Legislative candidates are already fundraising in districts where lines may change.
States in August received preliminary census data. Some states have already circulated proposed maps, a few have already approved them.