2022 Alabama Elections

Adrienne Moffett Powell, Democrat, Jefferson County Circuit Court Judge, Place 23

Adrienne Moffett Powell

Adrienne Moffett Powell

Jefferson County Circuit Court Judge, Place 23

Party: Democrat

Residence: Birmingham

Political experience: None

Professional experience: 13 years as a practicing attorney; served as a special judge in both family and criminal court in Jefferson County; named a “Top 10 Female Attorney in Family Law” by Attorney & Practice Magazine in 2021; Birmingham Magazine recognized her as a “Top Attorney” in 2020; memberships with the Birmingham Bar Association, Alabama Lawyers Association, Magic City Bar Association, Bessemer Bar Association, and the Metro Birmingham NAACP; has logged more than 6 appearances on WBRC Fox 6’s Law Call and is regularly called upon to speak as an expert on domestic relations law.

Education: Graduated with honors from Miles College School of Law in 2007 and founded her own law firm in 2008.

Main issues: Committed to serving the citizens of Jefferson County by continuing to provide a forum for the equitable and ethical resolution of domestic relation matters with integrity, judicial temperament and courage.

Campaign: Carlavmortonforjudge.com; https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075673857183